Malabar and San Fernando Contract Signing In 2005, Consultant Safege Consulting Engineers (France) was contracted by WASA to undertake a study entitled Expansion and Integration of Existing Wastewater Systems in Trinidad, along the East West Corridor. Based on the growth and development of the regions along the corridor coupled with the need to address the abandoned and poorly maintained wastewater plants the Malabar Wastewater Improvement Project was conceptualized. It was in 2010 however the Consultant AECOM Canada Limited (Canada) completed the detailed designs and bidding documents for the Malabar project. The second city of Trinidad, San Fernando, and its wastewater needs were also assessed based on the city’s expansion and similar abandoned wastewater facilities. This all led to the procurement of contractors for the projects in tandem with IDB loan negotiations. This culminated with the award of two (2) contracts as follows:
The contract signing ceremony was held at the Radisson Hotel, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain on Monday 17th November, 2014. |